Application-technical product comparison
The RMI application technology carries out product comparisons for different material categories in which between 2 and 15 products are processed.
Depending on the material category (base coat or top coat, etc.), appropriate substrates are used. The test temperature can be individually adapted to customer requirement using a modern climate chamber. Here, summer temperatures up to 40 °C or winter temperatures up to -20 °C can be set in relation to the relative humidity (in % r. H.).
In order to maintain the greatest possible neutrality in the comparison, some processing tests are carried out as a blind or double-blind test.
There for, at least two application technicians per customer are provided and supported by RMI application technology. The application technicians applicate the material, which has previously been transferred into suitable neutral containers, on surfaces whose size is determined by order. For precise documentation, application technology provides forms and evaluation sheets as the basis. These are individually adapted to the needs of the comparison and thus facilitate a balanced evaluation. The evaluations are analyzed in detail. For additional tests, the application technology works closely with the other departments of the Dr. Robert-Murjahn-Institute.